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Strange lumps on the body

22 11:15:23

Hi I have 10 rabbits 9 of which are rexes either mini or standards (half and half).  I have noticed that they have some round lumps on there bodys the first one i noticed had one just in front of her back legs.  The vet has seen it and has told me not to worry unless it gets any bigger etc. It not attached to the flesh and you can get your fingers round it.  She has now got two more a bit further down.  I was worried but have since noticed that most of them seem to have the odd one, most of which are smaller but i think thats seems to be down to the general size of the rabbit.  I would describe them as warts that have fur over them really.  Last night one of my mini rexes was getting a cuddle and i noticed his was a bit scabby i think this may of been his mites attacking that bit of skin.  When i examined it a black lump came out.  Any idea what these lumps may actually be, i doesn't seem to bother them at all he was quite happy to lay there while i examined it.

Dear Nicola,

These lumps could be any of several things.  If a black lump came out when you squeezed one, these could just be impacted hair follicles or sebaceous glands that need expressing.  They also could be warts, small fibromas (harmless), or even small abscesses.  If you are concerned, and not convinced that the vet you saw was experienced enough with rabbits to know a problem when he sees one, then you can find another vet here:

for a second opinion.

The fact that the lumps are moving with the skin is a good sign.  But do watch and make sure they don't get any larger.  If they do, they could be abscesses, or even the small cysts of botfly larvae (Cuterebara sp.) just starting to grow.  Yuck!  Those will need treatment and removal by a vet, if that's what they are.

I hope this helps give you some ideas.
