Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > newborn rabbits age/size

newborn rabbits age/size

22 10:44:22

I was cutting the grass and ran over a nest that had 5 small rabbits. Unfortunately only 2 survived. What can we do to help them. Right now I have caught and have them in a box. If I hadn't caught them the cats at the barn would have gotten them. Our main question is how and what can we do to care for them.

Dear Joe,

I hope this will help with all the information you need:

You can find a recipe for a good formula (and instructions for other care) here:

Thank you for your kindness in trying to save the babies.  Note that you must carefully wash your hands any time you touch them, to reduce the risk of transmitting potentially fatal bacteria to them.  If you see any sign of diarrhea, please find a good rabbit vet here:

and see if they will be amenable to receiving this information:

Good luck!
