Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > project I am doing

project I am doing

22 9:38:52

Hello. My name is Sophia. I am ten years old and I go to Bayshore Community Academy in Oconto. I am currently  doing a project on New Zealand  White Rabbits because I have two at the time and would like more information on them. I am almost done with my product  and I would like new information that I can not find on the internet. For instance, who was the founder of them. I would like specific details if possible.  I would greatly appreciate it if you did email back.

Thank you for your time.

Sincerely, Sophia Szymanski


How wonderful that you're doing a report on rabbits! I'm glad to see you're interested in learning and sharing with your classmates. I'm not really sure what information I could share with you that you might not already have, since the internet is a wonderful resource for any and all breeds. I can offer two things for you:

1) Have you tried interviewing a veterinarian for your report - I think that might be an awesome and unique addition to your report and would most certainly deserve an A+.

2) I see you mentioned you already have rabbits so I'm sure you're experienced, but are there any specific questions regarding care or behavior I could answer for you?

Let me know!
