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drippy nose?

22 10:32:35

I've had my rabbit Jojo for about 3 years, and recently I noticed some clear liquid coming from his nose and mouth. he seems perfectly happy, but also his legs sometimes shake. it's almost as if he has sore paws. are these two things related? Is either thing serious? thanks.

Hi Amber,

gonna say this once: take your boy to a good rabbit vet as soon as possible.  You gotta be proactive about this kind of thing with rabbits.  You must know by ow they are more delicate than your average cat and dog.  You see a health problem you are not sure about, you have to take him in to get examined.  I'd say this to anyone with ANY pet.

I can't tell you what it is because I'm not a vet and I can't see him.  I can guess what I think it is but it's not worth a vet's opinion who has examined him.  It sounds like he may be having mild seizures or he's got an infection that's affecting his nervous system.  I just don't know.  You have to get him looked at by a good rabbit vet.  Start here:

and find a House Rabbit Society-recommended vet near you.  Not all vets are good rabbit vets.  Find a good one.