Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Tomato


22 10:32:34

I'm pretty sure my 5 pound rabbit ate a whole medium store bought tomato.  Since she's supposed to be limited to 1 table spoon, what can happen other than maybe stinky poop?

Hi Tom,

boy I bet she enjoyed it!  I would say as long as she is eating her hay and the rest of her normal food okay, she should be alright.  Obviously you want to feed her regular levels of what she's used to, for consistency and keeping the gi tract regular.  This one thing should not cause problems if she's otherwise healthy.

Tomatoes are mostly water.  She may drink a little less than normal because she got a LOT of water with the tomato.  The greens of the tomato are the things that can potentially cause problems, the fruit itself is generally considered safe.

Just watch her, as long as her interest in her meals are normal, she should be okay.  If you have any doubt go to your rabbit vet, but I think she'll be fine.
