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diet, medical, age, litter, behavior

22 11:31:25

Diet: Im having trouble finding consistent information on rabbit diets.  Are nuts poisonous?  Can I give her nature valley crunchy granola bars that contain soy, almond, peanut, pecan, hazelnut, and walnit ingredients?
Medical: are there any shots that my indoor bunny needs annually?
Age: the pet shop said she was 8 weeks, but she seems older, is there any way to tell?
Litter: are all clumping kitty litters bad for bunny, I got one that doesnt say "hard-clumping", but i noticed it does stick together when I pick it up with the scooper.  Is this bad for bunny?
behavior: sometimes my bunny darts from one side of the room, sits there and then darts off somewhere else.  At first I thought it was very funny, but then i read something that said it could be a sign of a medical problem, is this true?
Sorry so many questions, I never had a bunny for a pet and I want to give her the best care possible.

Diet -- the best place for reliable infromation on treats for your bunny is  I feed a balanced pellet from Manna Pro and fruits and veggies.  I have not heard anything about nuts one way or another, but grains are good and yogurt is not a problem either.

Medical -- i do not know of any vaccinations except MAYBE rabbies, but if she won't be around other animals that isn't necessary either.

Age -- I know of no way to tell age on a rabbit.  I can tell you that they are fully mature and ready to reproduce at 4-6 months.  

Litter -- I would suggest using sometime like aspen shavings or maybe pine shavings.  Many people treat rabbits like cats.  They are not cats and should be raised like rabbits.

Behavior -- you may be thinking of wry neck/head tilt.  What you are describing is a happy bunny, not a sick one.
