Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > deformity


22 10:30:02

hello there, my rabbit is a large flop eared doe (mixed color)mostly white and butterscotch, i mixed her with a black and white buck a month ago, i think he is a dutch? or netherland ears are up/ a perfect division of black and white in the middle and a narrow triangle from inbetween his ears, down his face to his nose. any way, she gave birth around 5pm yesterday and seemed to be struggling, i looked in her sleeping compartment and there was a normal looking baby that appears to be dead laying on its back, i left her, and she seemed to be carrying on for more than 30 mins. i went to her this morning and that baby is gone, but another baby was found out of her nest, appeared to be squashed like a sausage and around 6and a half" long the feet were large, the buck is considerably smaller than the doe. and it was by acciden they got back together so i am confident she is pregnant again!! when will she be due,what shall i do?
my knowledge is limited when it comes to breeding, although im learning alot, but i still need an expert opinion thank you !! please get back to me asap

Hello Xaviera !
Well I am sorry for all the hardship you and your rabbit are going through. I think that some times crossbreeding my not be good because a lop eared rabbit has many different types  compared to a non-lop. the heads are bigger and bodies ate shorter and you said the breeding was an accident. so this may have resulter in the deformed baby (KIT)
as far as the re-breeding, Rabbits carry their young for about 29-35 days  usually 30 days  so I would really watch your doe in about 29 days and hope she is OK.
Good luck
Dan Vallo