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HELP! Bunnies on their backs?

22 10:20:02

we took our rabbit to the vets a few weeks ago and whilst we  were there she told us that rabbits like to be held on there back so that they are facing upwards. I have been trying this out but it seems to be butting him into a sort of trance and his heard seems to be beating quite fast is this normal?  please help

Dear Ellie,

Rabbits do NOT like to be held on their backs, and if the vet told you that, then she doesn't know much about rabbit natural history or behavior.  Rabbits are prey items, and they like to have all four feet on the ground and under their own control.

Some rabbits will go into a trance if you place them on their backs, but there's quite a bit of argument about whether the bunny finds this pleasurable.  Many people think it's a stress reflex, and a lot of buns seem disoriented and want to get away once they're restored to their normal posture.

The trancing reflex can be useful if a vet is trying to do an exam, and the bunny really doesn't jump.  But even that is no guarantee.  So please trust your instincts (which are better than the vet's, apparently), and don't force your bunny to be on his back.  Normal posture is sternal (chest down), and that's the way he should be except for extremely unusual circumstances.

Hope that helps!
