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Lionhead Rabbit taming

22 9:58:54

I just purchased a lionhead 2 weeks ago, dob 4/10 and he does not like to be touched. I'd like to handle him to brush him but he gets frantic when restrained and I'm concerned about him hurting himself. He's in a cage in the kitchen and is dong very well with litter training. The cage is open about 8 hours a day and he is free to come and go. I would like him to be "friendly" and I need some advice on how to gentle him.

Dear Brenda,

The bad news is that if this is a purebred Lionhead, this breed is known for its cranky personality and unfriendliness.  In fact, Lionhead breeders have started to hybridize lionheads with other, friendlier breeds (Holland Lops, Dwarf, etc.) in an attempt to solve this problem.  It has resulted in some friendly rabbits with adorable dreadlocks showing up with increasing regularity in our rescue groups.  :(  

Your subject line made me laugh, and painted pictures in my head of you standing with a whip and chair in front of your cranky little bunny.  But the first step to getting him to trust you is to try and think like a bunny.  I hope this will help:

But note that every rabbit is different and has a unique personality.  It might be that this little guy is just standoffish and cranky.  Our only purebred Lionhead rescue is that way.  He has a mate he adores (who is very friendly and loving to us, too), but he sees us more as walking vending machines than as friends.  So we love him from a distance, enjoy his cuteness, but don't expect much more from him.  It's just the way he is.

So once he's neutered, you might consider contacting your local rabbit rescuer:

and arranging some "blind dates" so he can pick a friendly girl bunny who will be able to give love to you and him and the whole family.  Our Fuzzbutt actually got a bit nicer once he had a girl to show him how.  :)  (TIP OF THE DAY:  Do NOT bring home a surprise bunny!  This is more likely to end in bloodshed than happiness.  Let *him* do the choosing from the rescue buns, and you're more likely to have a lasting bond.)

Hope this helps.
