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Desperate new female bunny rescue

22 9:41:57

Hi, I rescued a mature female bunny about 3 weeks ago....I already hav a mature female now blind. I kept them apart fr about 10 da, slow,y introduced but new bunny keeps escaping my back yard and going next door when she is free ranging during the day. Fixed the fence ad fixed the fence.....they ave sep sleeping as that didn't work....... What can I do to make my new bunny stay in bunny heaven a my place.

Dear Lang,

I would recommend keeping her inside.  If she is still escaping, you obviously have not completely bunny-proofed the area, so she goes to where the grass is greener.  

You could make your yard more appealing by finding out what it is she likes so much over there and planting some in your garden.  Grass?  Cover?  Shade?  Water?  Making your yard into an oasis will help.

But to keep her safe, the best option is to keep her inside with you until you can completely bunny-proof the yard by digging a 24" concrete footer at the base of the fence, and predator-proofing at the top.  Until then, all bets are off.

I hope this helps.
