Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > is too much vitamin A a concern?

is too much vitamin A a concern?

22 10:27:07

Hello, I am a member of the forum and we have had a question about vitamin A and if it's possible to feed too much.  The recommended veggie lists we've seen all say to feed ONE veggie with Vitamin A per day, but is this LIMITED at one per day, or AT LEAST one per day?  If you feed a couple veggies a day with Vitamin A, can this cause a problem?  I did read your article about what to feed your bunny, but I did not see any mention of this topic.
I appreciate your time.
Thank you,
Beka Summers

Dear Beka,

It would be pretty much impossible to overdose a rabbit on Vitamin A with only fresh vegetables.  The quantities in the plants are far too low to ever be concentrated enough to cause a problem.

Only by using synthetically produced vitamin supplements containing high concentrations vitamin A could you possibly overdose the bunny.  So don't worry at all about too many vitamins in the fresh food.  They will never cause a problem.

Hope that helps.
