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rabbit parasite?

22 9:57:30

A week or so ago we found a spot on our bunnies neck. It at first looked like a small cut. I just kept an eye on it and would put a cold compress on it. A couple days later she was really pulling at it and her fur started mattering. I tried to clean it up. Last night I took her out to clean it and the spot was moving. After we got it clean it was a giant worm thing that we pulled off. It has left a giant hole on her neck. We don't know what it is or if she might have more or where she got this.

Dear Jane,

I apologize for the delay.  Unexpectedly, a middle school ecology outreach program I was running went crazy at the end, and I'm just now getting my life back.  So sorry!  But I'm back now.

What you describe sounds like a botfly warble.  The "giant worm thing" is the maggot of the fly, which encysts in the skin, develops, and then drops out to pupate.  YUCK!

Fortunately, the parasite usually does no permanent harm.  But the empty cyst can become infected, so it's very important to flush it will with dilute povidone iodine, and then get her to a good rabbit vet:

who can examine her and determine whether any further treatment--including antibiotics--is necessary.

You can protect your bunny from further infection by keeping her indoors while botflies are out (mostly summertime, but they can be active any time the weather is warm enough).  They lay their eggs on fur (usually damp), the larva hatches out and burrows into the skin.  It doesn't go deeper than that, but it's pretty nasty.

Hope this helps.
