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Laws on keeping rabbits outside, safe toys, potty training an older rabbit

22 9:45:40

I have a friend whose dad keeps a large black rabbit outside in a hutch. The bunny has food, old looking hay, water and shelter- and now that I've complained enough he also has some cardboard over part of the wire bottom cage his feet had been on for years (his waste falls through the wires to the ground and it looks like it's never been cleaned). Apparently this rabbit used to have a companion but now he is all alone, day and night, in this hutch. When it is really cold he gets put in a crate and left in the garage. It makes me very sad that he is alone, has no toys and has to stay in a cage. At the very least I would like to buy him some toys/treats but I don't want to give him anything that isn't safe. Can you tell me what some good ones are (I would have to be able to find them at PetSmart or other stores here since I don't have a credit card/bank account). Also, I'm wondering if there isn't more I can do for this baby (I will be giving him a small outdoor fence made for bunnies so he can chill on the grass, but I assume it'll only be used when I come over). Is what they're doing legal? I live in an area that gets pretty hot, but the hutch has fans, though I've never seen them on. How long does rabbit food stay good for when its being kept in a covered bin in a shed? I have limited funds but I will do whatever I can for him. I'm still trying to buy him so I can bring him home and take care of him myself (btw, he's definitely older than 5 and not potty trained- can you still train an older bun?) If you have any suggestions it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Dear Kelsey,

What a sad, horrible situation.  You are an angel for caring.  Honestly, the very best thing you can do is try to get that rabbit away from the owners so you can be his caring "parent" forever.  Poor bunny.

In the meantime, the best things you can do are to bring fresh timothy hay over as often as possible, and replace the rabbit food that looks old with new, fresh hay.  Be sure the water is fresh and clean.

Take the bunny out and play with him when your friend is there, to remind your friend that the rabbit is a feeling, sensitive animal, not just a piece of furniture.

Safe toys are things like cardboard boxes glued into cube shape with holes cut in the sides for "doors".  Bunny will spend hours playing with a box like that.  If the hutch is big enough, that is.  If not, poor bunny really need to get out to run and play every day.

I hope you are able to get him away from those neglectful, uncaring people. Sadly, there are no laws protecting rabbits from treatment like this, though there certainly should be. Good luck,
