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change in feeding habits

22 11:12:46

We have a dwarf rabbit and we think he's about seven years old. He's always been pretty picky about food but he has always eaten lots of hay and pellets up to now. Suddenly he doesn't eat as much as he used to. His mouth looks as though hes deformed as if he was hit. His fron teeth were pulled but he still has his back teeth but they are still kind of twisted we believe this may have something to do with this problem. The two front teeth he has seem to look a little twisted to the sides a little but we're not sure if it is normal or if its just because he is getting old. He still goes to the bathroom on a daily basis as usual so that is a good sign he is still in fairly good health. Is this problem caused of his differently shaped teeth or is it just because he is getting old?

Teeth that don't come together properly can grow into the cheek or upper palate and cause problems.  If his teeth don't look right to you, it'd be best to take him to a vet to have them trimmed.  Trimming the back teeth is called a molar float and he may need that also.

This isn't uncommon in older rabbits, but it has to be watched so that he is able to eat.

You can read more about teeth issues at
