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Age when rabbits can fall pregnant

22 11:17:43

I have just picked up my youngest female rabbit (she is only 12 weeks and 4 days) and she has developed teats.  is there a chance she could be p[regnant?  I did not think females could fall pregnant until a bit later?


Females actually mature faster than males, so it is possible for them to become pregnant as early as 3 months (12 weeks). It is not exceptionally common, but it can happen. This is why it is highly recommended that babies be seperated by gender no later than 10 weeks of age.

However, teats are not really an accurate sign of pregnancy. Rabbits do not start producing milk until after the babies are born, so they do not get engorged mammary glands like many mammals do (i.e. cats, dogs, horses, cattle, etc.).