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Bunny bereavement

22 10:32:37

I had 2 house bunnies (Male & Female)that doted on each other they had only been together from baby's for about a year. Our male bunny died on Mon, and we left him out for the female to be with for a good few hours before removing the body. However she has not stopped looking for him, she seems to be pining badly even though I am giving her as much attention as I can. How long will this go on for. And it is obvious she needs rabbit company (as well as human), when would you suggest I try introducing a new mate to her.
Any advice would be much appreciated as I hate seeing her like this.

Hi Tracey,

sorry for your loss. I know you miss your little guy.

Well, if she's still looking for HIM, another bunny may not be the thing that does it for her.  If you still have items that smell like him, make sure she can be around them, snuggle in them, etc for now.  You'll pretty much have to take his place as much as possible.  She;s just going to have to go through the grieving process, you don't want to force her through it or short-circuit it.  It could take time.

What you can do to see if she'd be open to a new bunny: get a small stuffed bunny and set it next to her when she is out exercising.  If she licks it or sits next to it/flops next to it, you can start looking.  If she attacks it or doesn't want anything to do with it, wait.  Give her extra attention and care.  Talk to her about what happened.  Ask God to let her understand what you are saying on a level that makes sense to her.  I always talk to my guys and I think they can understand some things.  Make sure she knows it's not punishment, that you loved him, and wished he was still here.  Tell her whatever you think you should tell her, while petting her, holding her, whatever you can normally do with her.

It will get better.  But this is still very recent and it will take time to get over it.  They were closely bonded.  

When it appears she could be able to handle a new mate, check online your local animal shelters/rabbit rescues/House Rabbit Society group around you for eligible males.  It would probably be good to get a boy around her age.  You will need to set up some 'interviews' with potential males (in a neutral area) to see if they can get along and be bonded together.  You can't just bring a rabbit home one day and expect they will get along.  

In the meantime if you can hold her and she doesn't mind, maybe you can do more of that for now, she may enjoy it and need it right now.  Another way to reaffirm she's loved and will be taken care of.

You can also check out the House Rabbit Society web site ( and look at any articles on when a mate dies.
