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lop ear bunny

22 10:54:50

We have a 4 year old grey lop ear bunny. He is not fixed. He only eats Alfalfa
and carrot 1-2 times a week.  He has starting Pees excessively. I can not
pickup up any more with out him peeing on me. This has never been a
problem before.   Help

Hi Mike,

I can only tell you that this time of the year (spring, summer) rabbits' hormone levels naturally increase and they get more into marking and marking other rabbits, people they like, etc, etc.

The other thing that might be going on is that he has learned that if he pees on you you will put him down.  The only way to get around this is to not put him down right away (wear a towel).

The other thing that concerns me is that you are feeding him alfalfa products at his age.  There is too much calcium in alfalfa hay and this can cause kidney stones and/or bladder sludge, making peeing difficult or painful.  You need to switch him over to Timothy hay products and Orchard grass hay products that have safer levels of calcium for fully-grown rabbits.

If he spends a lot of time trying to pee and not much comes out, or if he has stopped drinking normally to 'prevent' having to pee, these could bolster the hypothesis that he's got problems in his urinary tract/kidneys.

I would consider getting him neutered.  It would most likely cut down on him peeing like this, as there is a hormonal component to this.  Four years old isn't old to do a neuter, especially if he's in good shape.

Just get a good rabbit doctor to do it.  If you don't have one, go to:

and find a House Rabbit Society recommended vet in your area.
