Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > rabbit with serious eye infection/possible insect bite

rabbit with serious eye infection/possible insect bite

22 9:59:09

This morning I noticed that one of my Mini Rex bucks has something VERY wrong with one eye. It is super swollen and inflamed and I can hardly see his eye. His other eye is perfectly fine, and he seems healthy otherwise which makes me think that it could have been this way for up to a few days, and maybe I just didn't notice it. I am wondering if some sort of insect bite/sting could cause this, or if there is something else that could make his eye so bad this fast? Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!

Dear Isabelle,

Without seeing the eye, I cannot even begin to guess what caused it. But if it's this bad, I hope you have taken him to a good rabbit vet for examination and treatment.  This likely won't get better on its own!  Please find a good vet here:

and get him there ASAP.  Eye conditions can worsen rapidly without proper treatment.

Hope this helps.
