Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Teat development

Teat development

22 11:17:43


Is it posssibele for a female rabbit to develop teats even if she is not pregnant?  Or does the devleopment of said teats guarentee a pregnany?


Development of teats is not a good indication of pregnancy. Rabbits do not produce milk until after the babies are born, so they do not experience mammary gland engorgement like many other mammals do. Generally there is not a noticable different between a mature female that has never been pregnant and one that is currently pregnant. The teats will often get longer and/or more noticable after the babies start nursing (since they pull at the teats). The teats will get a bit larger from the time the rabbit is a baby to the time it is a mature adult, pregnancy or not.