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digs up litter

22 11:31:57

I got my bunny about a month ago and he was litter trained right away.  He still has a few droping outside the litter box.  The last few nights he has been frantic and biting the cage and digging out all his litter.  Its a real mess.I let him out alot during the day, so i dont understand why he is doing this all night long. Any advice?


 Dont worry about this. My sister has the very same problem with her rabbit. But just ignore it. He is doing this because he wants to come out, but he has to understand he is not allowed out until you say so. So when your rabbit is doing this, just leave him along and wait till he calm down. and then go and check on him to mkae sure he hasnt cut himself. But dont let him out until you want to let him out.

I hope i have been able to help.

Good Luck

From Amie