Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Our rabbit has fleas, How do I get rid of them.

Our rabbit has fleas, How do I get rid of them.

22 11:26:25

My family aquired a rabbit several weeks ago, he is an indoor rabbit, he has never lived outside.  He appreantly came with fleas, is there a flea shampoo or something like a frontline for rabbits? And if so how do we use/do it to make it the least bit tramatizing for us and him.  

There's 2 ways to do this - the long, tedious, boring way, and the quick way.  The quick way is to get Advantage from your vet (the kind used for cats) and apply it.  Don't use Frontline, many rabbits have died after having it applied.

The long, tedious, boring way is to sit outside with a bowl of soapy water and a flea comb, and comb all the fleas off, then dip them in the soapy water.  I once spent 4 hours during this, so I can guarantee that it is very, very boring.
