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Rabbit Deffness

22 11:36:31

Hello Again,

I had previously written about my rabbits darting behavior when ever I came near her.  You had suggested that she might be def.  I had never considered it before, but I believe you are right.  She was never scared of the vaccume, She never learned her name or any voice comands.  And if i make loud noises behimd her she doesnt react.  I always thought I had an extremely brave bunny. I tried to find more information on the internet about rabbits with this kind of disability but I havent had any luck.  I was wondering if you had any website or book suggestions as i would like to learn as much as i can on the matter.  Thanks again.


You may certainly have hit it on the head. Curiously the House Rabbit Society site doesn't have anything on deafness. Here's an article you might want to read:

As I mentioned before, I have cared for several deaf rabbits, and it is not that big a deal as long as you keep in mind that they can't hear you and do a few things to help make them more comfortable, as I described before and the author of the above article goes into more detail.

Good luck to all!
