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still born

22 9:52:46

Just came home from a Saturday at the county fair to have my nine year old yell "Mommy something is in Midnights' cage". I found a still born rabbit and what appeared to be a red kidney shaped something. First, my kids continue to deny having put the Doe and Bucks together. But, their daddy and I do not believe in miraculous pregnancy of the rabbit. So, she did not have a nesting box and although she pulled some hair it was very little. Is this why it is dead. Or is it simply a mishap. Would the bucks being near hear have caused her to not remove the after birth. They only have one placenta right, the dried up red thing was the placenta we believe. Just curious.

Hi Kellie,

The baby could have been born dead or it could have died from hypothermia since it was not covered.  Even in the summer they need a nest to help them maintain body heat and depending on where you are it is quite possible that it was just cold.  They normally have more than one baby but it is possible to have just one.  They do have two uterine horns and it is possible to have more than one placenta.  In normal circumstances they will clean up their nest if they feel insecure.  There could be a variety of reasons why she didn't eat the placenta.  

Unless you plan to breed the bunnies in the future it is really a good idea to get them spayed and neutered.  A doe that is not used for breeding has a very strong chance of developing uterine cancer.  This would also allow for them to be bonded and live happily together.

Good luck
