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Missing Rabbit

22 11:25:12

We have had a domesticated dwarf albino bunny for about 2.5 years.  She has had the run of the house, and in addition the run of our property (1+ acres).  She comes in and out as she pleases, ... she spends 90% of her time inside, and never spends the night outside.  She comes when she is called.  Last night, she wouldn't come in, she ran from us, and darted under our deck.  We couldn't get her, and reluctantly left her out for the evening ... it was a very cold night and snowed about 4 inches.  I woke assuming that she hadn't made it through the night, that morning while I was stacking wood, she poked her head out from under the deck... then retreated back under the deck ... tonight, the second night, it is very cold and very windy.  I am sure it is not windy under the deck and pretty sure she has dug a nest/hole under there.  Why is he behaving like this, and can she survive a NY winter?

Unfortunately we'll never know why she decided to run under the deck.  She would have to dig a very deep hole to keep warm, and without food she won't make it very long.  Could you catch her with a live trap?  That would work if you are there to check it often throughout the day.  Otherwise, if she has a hole it's going to be extremely difficult to catch her.  I am assuming the deck is large enough that if she comes out you can't block it off before she comes back.

It may take several days to catch her, but once you do, you might want to block off any spots she could use to hide under so that she doesn't do this again.
