Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > rabbit is pulling out my dogs fur

rabbit is pulling out my dogs fur

22 10:21:02

Good afternoon,

About six months ago I inherited a rabbit named Loppy she is a year old and today she started pulling out the fur on my german shepard /lab mix tail. The dog seems to have no clue she is doing this or seems not to care but I'm worried that Loppy might get too close and bite my dogs tail and then my dog might nip at her other than separating the two of them what can I do?

Hello, Jamie

I did say that I try my best to answer all Questions but I can not answer all! This is one that I will be trying to help with all my expirence!

So we start from here,
It seems like your rabbit needs a partner! normaly when rabbits are pregnet they pull fur out so maybe you try getting a male.
I never heard of this happing before So before we go too far lets look at all simple rabbits actions. Rabbits love to chew so maybe you do not have any toys or a paper roll stufed with hay or emety.
I will say that its not very good to keep rabbits and dogs togeher Becuase when your dogs in a temper it can kill a rabbit! So lets try sepatating them.

From nihaam...
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