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Snuffles bun on Chloramphenicol going into GI stasis

22 9:41:30

Hi, I have a bun with the snuffles who I took to the vet a week ago, he's a cchronic snuffler who has had a flare up recently so I took him in to get him on antibiotics and he was prescribed a two week course cloramphenicol which has worked for him in the past. A couple of days ago I noticed his poos were getting quite small and since I've had experience with GI stasis in the past I knew what it was, so I started giving him Critical Care. My question is, what would have caused this? Would it be the antibiotic its self, the stress from me giving it to him or even hair balls? He's a Mini Rex and he is currently molting. He hasn't stopped eating entirely, but he's obviously not eating enough. I haven't noticed any changes in his demeanor, he's still affectionate and as active as he always is, which to be honest isn't all that active, he's a 4, going on 5 year old lazy indoor cage free bunny who has my room to roam around in. If he doesn't start eating enough by himself in the next day or so I will be calling the vet.

Dear Shannon,

Almost any type of stress or pain can trigger a GI slowdown in a sensitive bunny.  Hard to tell which factor did it for your pal, since he has several things going on, as you noted.

To get his GI tract moving better, it's important to keep him well hydrated.  Lots of fresh, wet greens.  Nothing works better than a shallow enema, in my experience, to get a sluggish gut "jump started".  You can find instructions here:

I hope this helps.
