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Bun who refuses to pee in her box

22 10:17:18

Hi there,

I have two bunnies, a Mini Rex and a Netherland Dwarf. The cage is lined with newspaper and the litter boxes are filled with CareFresh. There are two litter boxes in the cage, and my Mini Rex as no problem doing his business there.

However, my Netherland Dwarf refuses to go in any of the litterboxes. I've tried vinegar. I've tearing up the soiled newspaper and putting it into the boxes. I've tried moving the litter box to the areas where she has urinated but she just picks another spot everytime.

Do you have any suggestions in terms of litter training my bun? She is beginning of to have clumpy fur on her bum from her urine.



Hi Jessica,

how long have these two been together?  Are they both fixed?  I am wondering of she is not marking other territory, trying to claim part of the cage.  It could also be that the male rabbit had a past history (or still does) of chasing her out of the litterpans during bonding.  

You may try separating them into different cages and seeing how her litter habits are.  I am thinking it has something to do with the bonded pair.

Other than that, have you made any big changes around the house lately?  If she hasn't done this for very long perhaps it is due to furniture rearranging, you've changed the room they are in, strange/new people have either come in, or regular people have left recently.  Did you change the litter in the litterpan to a different brand?

If she is between 3 and 6 months, it's becuase she hit sexual maturity and needs to be spayed.  If that is the case I'd separate them so that she does not get pregnant (or go through false pregnancy if the boy is fixed).
