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Worms in Rabbit Poo

22 10:26:23

I found tiny oval-like worms in my rabbits stool, they are clearish-yellowish and have what looks like a pointed blackish head. They are about a half inch long, do you have any idea what they may be??? There are A LOT in the litterbox as well so much that they make the litter seem to move...Also can this be contracted to any other animals in the same room such as ferrets, rats, guinea pigs, cats, and other bunnies...Thank you..

Dear Bobbi,

It sounds as if you have fly maggots in the litterbox, and that's a sure sign that the box needs to be changed more frequently to avoid attracting flies.  If your bunny (or other pets) were to have fly eggs laid on their fur, they could suffer potentially fatal fly strike once the eggs hatch and the maggots begin to burrow into the skin and flesh of the animal.

For the best in absorbancy and odor control, we use pelleted sawdust litter such as Feline Pine, wood stove pellets, or horse pelleted bedding.  Cover this with a soft layer of timothy hay, so the bunny will not avoid the litterbox because of the feel of the pellets.  A box equipped this way should last perhaps a week, depending on how good the bunny's litterbox habits are.  But once the pelleted litter becomes saturated, it's time to throw it into the flower bed and work it into the soil as excellent mulch, *rinse* the box very well with the hose, and then refill for the next use.

For now, dump that maggot-infested litterbox in the trash, and cover it well.  If you don't, you will have a house so full of flies that you simply won't believe it.  Not a pretty picture!  :(

I hope this helps you get the litterbox situation under control.
