Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Aggressive, biting rabbit

Aggressive, biting rabbit

22 9:57:26

I got a rabbit last week of someone as they were not looking after him very well, he was nice for the first 2 days, now when you pick him up he scratches me and he bite me the other day, i really don't know what to do please help.

Dear Danielle,

The bunny may feel threatened and displaced, and he's acting out of fear.  The first thing that must be done is spay/neuter.  The sex hormones are driving much of this aggression.  Once s/he is healed from that operation, there are other simple ways you can gain your bunny's trust.  There is an outline here of what you must do to calm him down:

An aggressive bunny is often a fearful bunny, so treat him as if he's just scared and shy, and you will win.  There are some excellent tips here on how to overcome aggression:

You can find a good vet here who can do the spay/neuter:

Just check the international listings for vets in the UK.

I hope this helps.
