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safe rabbit food

22 10:34:24

I was wondering if the following vegtables are safe to feed a pet rabbit: parsnips, rhubarb leaves, okra, artichoke leaves, and radishes? I will not feed my bunny anything that I am unsure of, however, I like have as much variety for her as possible. Also, can a rabbit chew on hemp mats and such? Thank you for your time with this.

from this comprehensive list:

Jerusalem Artichoke leaves are okay (not sure about the other varieties)
Parsnip is okay
Okra is okay
Radish *tops* (the greens) are okay
Rhubarb leaves are TOXIC - do not feed!

Hemp is perfectly safe for rabbits; my only concern would be if the mat were really fibrous (ropey) because you don't want her ingesting anything that's going to tangle up and impact her intestines. But it's a perfectly safe product for rabbits otherwise.

Hope that helps!