Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > what can i do for my rabbit if it has wryneck

what can i do for my rabbit if it has wryneck

22 11:14:30

my rabbit i think has had wryneck for maybe 3 weeks now what can i do for my rabbit to stop that ahe is a Tan an is under a year old and her brother who got BOB at fair has a white toe that is bent off to the side what can i do about that

hi julie i would get a vet to check it over and make sure it is not in any draughts as this could cause it.
i live in the uk and if a tan had a white toe nail it would have been disqualified and not won anything.
i,m afraid there is nothing you can do if you breedfrom him some of the young may have whie toe nails.