Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > why does my rabbit pull out his siblings fur?

why does my rabbit pull out his siblings fur?

22 9:43:24

about a month ago my rabbit gave birth to six healthy baby . I've kept them together in a cage . three days ago I realized five of the babies had no fur at their back . one of them had pulled out the other's fur . why is this happening ? is it normal for baby bunny to behave like this ?

It is not normal for the bunnies to do that, but it does happen.
1- reason may be they need more space.
Another may be they are needing minerals,  like from a salt spool, or a different commercial rabbit pellet.
Maybe mom is doing it.?
If they are weaned, and eating on their own, i would seperate them ASAP.
good luck.