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22 9:39:09

Hello my rabbits are not friends so we separated them however buster managed to get out and bite blizzard and now blizzard has a torn ear there was a little bit of blood but it's dried and hasent  bleed since he's eating fine jumps everywhere but he also runs most of the time when im near him I've only had them for a month

Hi Ella,

I am not really sure what your question is.  Bunnies cannot be together unless they are properly bonded or else they will fight as you have found out.  If his ear is clean and doesn't look infected it will probably be fine.  We have found a wonderful cream that can be used on bunnies wounds that you can buy without a prescription and it really is amazing.  It is called Healx Soother and you can find it here:

I am not associated with this company but I have used this on rabbits who would have otherwise taken months to recover.  I recommend that all rabbit owners have this on hand to deal with any wounds.

Again I am not sure what you are asking but I wish you and your bunny good luck.
