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mini lop diet

22 10:33:23

I have a 10 week old mini lop. "Monkey" loves to eat his pellets. They are Nutrena brand. I am confused what he should be eating at this age and amount. Also a vet once told me to give them vitamin c drops daily if they do not eat fruit. I know fruit is full of sugar. Please advise me on what is an appropriate diet for Monkey. Thank you for your time. sherry

Dear Sherry,

First, please find a more experienced rabbit vet who won't confuse rabbits with guinea pigs.  Guinea pigs, need vitamin C supplements; rabbits manufacture their own Vitamin C metabolically, and don't need supplements (and they should not eat large quantities of fruit.)  If your vet didn't know this, I'd be afraid to find out what *else* s/he might not know about rabbits, and wouldn't want to find out the hard way.  You can find a more experienced rabbit vet here:

For complete information on healthy rabbit diet, please read:

Add any new items gradually, but at his age, he can have the full range of items on this list, as long as you take your time introducing him to new things.

I hope this helps!
