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rabbit fur issue

22 10:38:12

Hello, I have two lop earred pet rabbits, who live in a large section of our garage. They are both spayed. One of them appears to be losing large amounts of hair on one side of her body, almost to the point of seeing the pink flesh. I am concerned, and am wondering if the other rabbit is doing this to her, or if she is doing it to herself. I'm wondering if it is a sign of boredom? sickness? inadequate nutrition? The other rabbits seems to not have any of the same problem.
Thanks for any advice you can give me,  I can't really afford to see a vet.
thanks a lot!

Dear Christina,

If the bunnies are in a garage and not getting free run or playtime in the daylight, this could certainly cause a problem like this, due to Vitamin D deficiency.  But you can read about other possible causes here:

You will probably need the help of a good rabbit vet, and you owe it to the bunnies to care for them when they have medical problems.  You can find a good vet here:

Leaving the problem untreated could allow it to get worse, and the vet bills will increase accordingly.  Better to nip it in the bud, and keep those bunnies as healthy as possible.

For all the best information on proper rabbit care, please go to:

Good luck,
