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What is it?

22 11:25:28

My rabbit (about 2 yrs old) seems to have brown crusty stuff around his "testes". It seems to be bothering him because he's licking the area alot and making strange squeaking/gulping noises as he does so. Once he's finished he cleans off his chin and goes about his normal business. I'm concerned- he's licking the area so much that even his chin is beginning to become bald! I checked his underside and it also seems as if his testes are very wrinkly (I don't know if that matters, maybe that's normal).  My rabbit recently had ear mites and we followed the directions perfectly for the prescribed medicine. It seems as if he's getting them back. I was wondering if that had anything to do with the brown crusty stuff around his testicles. Could they have traveled to his underside and populated there? What is wrong with him? (He seems to be normal, being happy and playful. He does poop, but doesn't urinate very often.) Thanks in advance for all your help.

The first thing I thought of was poop.  Is he perhaps putting out a lot of cecal pellets, which are getting on him and making a mess?  In other words, do you see piles of soft poop around?  Some rabbits will generate excess cecals if they are getting too much food that is too rich for them, like too much alfalfa hay, or too many sugary vegetables or fruits.  There's information on that here -

Now if it looks more like the picture at the bottom of this page, then it could be the mites. If that is the case, though, the medication should have taken care of it.

If this doesn't go away soon, I'd take him in for a checkup.

And yes, wrinkly parts are perfectly normal.