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I think my rabbit has Otitis Media

22 10:02:09

I am in 4-H and I have a American Fuzzy Lop buck. Just two days ago I noticed a head tilt. I took him out of his large cage and put him in a small carrier and took him into the house and put a blanket around the cage. His head tilt is better today but I just read about Otitis Media and I am sure he has this. I have antibiotics for ear mites from a rescue rabbit and I was wondering if this will work or if he will have to go to the vet. Thank you so much.

Dear Allison,

Antibiotics work against bacteria, not mites.  So please don't give your bunny any medication if you are not sure what the problem is.  You can't tell that a head tilt is being caused by a middle ear infection (otitis media) without more information and proper diagnosis by a rabbit-savvy vet.  

This article by Dr. Susan Brown is an overview of the *many* possible causes of head tilt in rabbits:

and you can read a more personal account here:

Your bunny could have the tilt due to an ear infection, a neurological problem, Encephalitozoon cuniculi, or inflammation due to mites.  The treatment depends on the source of the problem, so you need a veterinarian to identify for that for you, and prescribe appropriate treatment.

If you try to do this yourself, you might do more harm than good.  Please do the right thing and get her to a good vet.

I hope this helps.
