Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > IS a rabbit no good for breeding...

IS a rabbit no good for breeding...

22 11:37:59

IS a rabbit no good for breeding  if his balls are flat  ? I don,t know any other way to ask you this /? Thank you

Dear Christine,

If a rabbit has an empty scrotum, either because he has been neutered, or has undescended testicles, he will not be able to breed.  If his testicles are merely small, they might still be functional.  I can't tell exactly what you mean by "flat".  But small testicles may still be fully able to make viable sperm.

If he has undescended testicles (cryptorchids), he will require surgery to have them removed.  These can become cancerous at the high temperature of the body cavity where they're "stuck," and should be removed for his health and safety.  (On the plus side, a neutered bunny is much easier to train to the litterbox, and makes a wonderful house companion.)

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