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Rabbit lost his claw and bleeding!

22 10:29:28

We have a english spot about a year old. His name is Foo Foo, and he has just lost one of his front claws. I have no idea how it happened, but i'm scared and I need help. My daughter and I rescued him from the flea market where they were selling them "with recipes" I am an animal lover with 9 cats and 2 dogs, and I couldnt' let someone hurt him. There are no vets in my area to help me. Can You?

Hi Sam,

Yes I can its ok calm down and take a deep breath. If you don't have any quick stop (I never have on hand and I should) you can dab baking soda on it. I usually find that putting pressure on it and pinching it works well to. You will need to clean it up and keep a eye on it to make sure it doesn't get infected. I will grow back as long as the nail bed didn't get pulled. How often are you trimming his nails? I have found they need to be done about once a month and at this time I also check over my bunny. This happens so dont feel bad. Sometimes they do it and you dont even know till days later (has happened to me) Hope this helps =:3