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Wieght loss and diarrhea

22 11:08:47

I currently have about 30 or so rabbits. I raise Purebred Dutch Rabbits, English Spots, Mini Rexes, and Standard Bred Meat Rabbits(they do not get ate though) and I have been raiseing them for a little over 2 years now and have never had   any problems and now all of a suuden they have started to lose wieght and get diarrhea. I have not changed any of thier foods or thier enviroment. What could cause this. I have lost a total of 5 rabbits this week and several more do not look good. I show my rabbits at the fair and they mean alot to me. I have noticed that after they die they have like a mucus like stuff coming out of thier nose and mouth. Do you have ANY suggestions?

The diareha is caused by some kind of a bacteria or parasite. The discharge coming from the nose and mouth is probably just products being released after death.
In your remaining rabbits, you should do the following:
1, Treat for worms- worms can cause them to lose weight fast and to get diarhea.
2. start everyone on an antibiotic- Terrymycin works well and can be injections, poweder for water, liquid drops, or even crumbles.
3. add oats to their food to help soften the feces.
It is tough to bring a rabbit out of a bad condition such as severe weight loss and diarhea. Likely they are loosing weight due to the runny feces and if you can get this corrected then they will likely gain weight back.