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i think my rabbit is in pain :(

22 10:15:19

i just got my rabbit from my best friend and when i got him he had like a sore on his ears. like its all crusty and red and kind of gross inside his ears. my step dad says its mange, or something like that, but im not too sure. he looks like hes in pain. my friend said he was real nice before he got the infection, or sore but now he doesnt like being messed with. hes a lionhead rabbit, and is about a year old.  what can i do to fix him?

Dear Ashley,

Your stepdad is probably right:  this is mange and/or ear canker, and it is very painful--enough to make him miserable and unfriendly.  How awful of your friend to abandon the bunny just because he's sick!  But I'm glad he's with you now, someone who will take the proper actions to get him well.

This condition is very easy to treat, but you will need prescription medication, Revolution (selamectin) from your rabbit-savvy veterinarian.  Please find one here:

and read more about this condition here:

Within about 12-15 hours of getting the medication, the parasitic mites causing the problem will be dead, and the bunny will start to feel better.  Don't try to pull off the crusts, since they are like scabs:  they're covering very raw, painful tissue that needs to heal from below.  Once that happens, the crusts will fall off, and then you'll know you can gently help him groom them off.

Within a couple of weeks, he'll be growing back his new fur, and will be beautiful again.

Please waste no time in getting him to a good rabbit vet for this simple treatment.  DO NOT waste time or money on over-the-counter remedies from the pet store or other place.  They will not work, and many are not safe.  Get him to the vet for treatment, a general wellness check, and you'll be very pleased with the results.

I hope this helps.
