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diet and chewing

22 11:35:13

I have had my rabbit, Patrick, for about a month now and he is four months old.  I was wondering if the diet I give him everyday is good for him.  I give him rabbit pellets, timothy hay, and alfalfa block, and fresh veggies, like carrots and celery and corn.  He also has a salt block too.  He has grown and gained wheight since I have gotten him.   Also he chews on my base boards.  I gave him chew sticks and just started with the apple branches but he would rather eat my base boards.  When he chews on them I tell him to stop and he does until I leave the room or he thinks I am not watching him and he does it again.  Also, he is going to be neutered in July and I was wondering if he will need a diferent bedding in his cage after the operation.  He has pine shavings now.   Thank you for you time.

You might read this info for new bunny owners at  If you look at the diet section, there is a list of veggies that are good for rabbits.  Corn, unfortunately, would not be one of these veggies.  However, parsley, broccoli, cilantro, and many other veggies you can get easily are on the list.  Corn has some sharp edges that have caused serious health issues in some rabbits.

You might also consider reading this article about the dangers of softwood shavings at  Safe alternatives include Yesterday's News and Feline Pine.

You might consider more toys for him, there is an FAQ at

To stop him from chewing the baseboards, you can try blocking them with something like plexiglass, or you can attempt to use sprays. Some rabbits like Bitter Apple, which is the most commonly available spray.  Some people have tried Ivory Soap rubbed on the baseboard, many bunnies don't like that.

Otherwise he sounds like a regular happy bunny.
