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my angora rabbit just had kits

22 11:37:44

hello toni,
           my angora rabbit just had babys the only thing that i'm consirend with is that she had only one and it was very small but the next day she had 7 more and they are nice sizes.Well i do not think that the little one is getting feed, so i tryed to hold my rabbit so that the little one could feed but she is being so mean. i had to take her babys out of her cage because she was hurting them she keeps jumping in and out of there nest box. so i put the nest box on top of her cage and at night i put it in with her so she can feed her kits but what do i do with the little one?

Hi Melody,

I think you should just leave the nestbox in with her. She is probably not hurting the babies. It just appears this way. If you are worried about the runt, take out the mother, hold her on her back, making sure that you are holding her legs so that she cannot kick the kit off, and let somebody else hold the kit up to her nipple so that it can suckle until it catches up a bit. Just make sure that you are holding the mother well otherwise she will kick the kit across the room. They do have very powerful back legs. Good Luck

Hope this Helps