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can a doe carry kits for more than 35 days?

22 9:59:26

We think our doe is pregnant. We bred her 35 days ago. She is showing all signs (pulling out fur,building nest, etc)  She just hasn't had her babies.  It has been almost 36 days and we are concerned. Please help.

Dear Patti,

If she is building a nest and still hasn't given birth, I would recommend you get her to a rabbit-savvy veterinarian immediately.  You can find one here:

The longer the gestation continues, the bigger the babies will grow, and the higher the risk of complications during the birth.  The vet may wish to palpate and/or radiograph her to determine how big the babies are, to see if giving her a shot of oxytocin could safely induce labor.  Otherwise, she might need a Caesarian section, at which point it might also be wise to spay her.

Please see:


I hope this will help, and that she will be fine.
