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sick rabbit?

22 10:01:39

I got up this morning, and my rabbit was in the position as if it were dead but it wasnt. it was cold last night and the rabbit was quiet cold too, but the rest of my rabbits were f I tried to keep it warm but it still wont move and it dribbling now, even though i did get it warm and it started to move it jus went back to the position as if it were dead, it is also wining and kinda choking, im really worried. What is wrong with it?

Hi Aishling. It sounds like your rabbit is dying. I have no idea what may have happened to it to cause this. I wish I could tell you something. If your bunny is still alive when you get this I suggest that you get it to the vet immediatly.  I am so sorry for you to have this happen. If I can help you in any way let me know.      Pat