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puss spots on babie rabbits

22 11:13:39

Hello i have been breeding new zealand whites for 3 years and i have just had a litter born to a brought in doe and the babies have puss like little pimples all over there bodies i have never seen this before....
Do you have any idea what this is?

Joanne, no, I have never seen that before either.  Did you have the doe in quarentine before introducing to your herd ?

I would quarentine her and the litter ASAP -Like right NOW.

Have you opend any of the pustils ?  You could open one with a steril needle and pass a steril lab swab in it and take it to be cultured at a lab to see what bacteria it is.

There is a type of venerial sickness in rabbits that can be passed on to the kits.   If you used oneof your bucks he might have caught it also - do not use him again until you know what the problem is.

Sorry I could not be of help - would like you to let me know what you find out so I can learn too !
