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rabbit urinary infection

22 11:21:09

I have a 9 year old male lop rabbit. He has been on and off orbax for approximately 2 years for urinary tract infection. He had about 4 infections the first year and then the second year he had an infection about every 2 to 3 months. Now, the orbax is not healing his infection. He was on orbax for 3 weeks (with benebac) and then an additional 3 weeks- and the vet said nothing has changed and I can either put him down or keep giving him the orbax.  I notice he seems to be fine when on the medicine and then his health declines quickly when off. My questions are-  Does it sound like it is time to put him down? Is it harmful to be on that antibiotic for a long time? Are there alternative treatments?
Thank you,

Dear Pamela,

No, it absolutely doesn't sound like "time to put him down," if that's the ghastly phrase your vet is using on you.  If your vet is actually pressuring you to euthanize your friend for the great crime of having a chronic bladder infection, then I think it's time to find a new vet!  You can find a rabbit vet here:

If the Orbax is keeping the infection in check, then given the alternatives of death or lifetime Orbax, which would you choose?  If it were me, I think I'd take the Orbax!

Has the vet taken a sterile sample of urine lately to send it off for a more recent culture and sensitivity test?  If not, this is absolutely the best thing to do, to see if the bacterial population has changed at all, and whether there are other antibiotics that might now be useful against this infection.  Please see:

Also note that if your bunny is prone to sludge, or has a urolith (bladder stone), he may be more susceptible to bladder infection.  Dealing with sludge by regularly expressing his bladder (after suspending the sludge by actually *jiggling* his bladder before you express) can really help.  Also be sure he's drinking plenty of fresh water.  A bowl is better than a sipper bottle.

Please also see:

I hope this helps get you started.  A chronic UTI is not a death sentence.  It's an inconvenience.  And as we age, we all have little ailments that we hope our family will help us treat and endure.  Your bunny may be a senior bunny, but if he's happy, eating well, and enjoying life with just a slight inconvenience from the UTI, then give that "old man" his medicine and lots of love.  You'll be glad.  :)

Hope this helps!
