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What do they eat and shedding cycle, and some other things

22 10:27:41

Hi! My dwarf rabbit, Buggsie, is going through his shedding period, but he's not eating anything I give him. Grass, cloves, lettuce, anything. He just nibbles on it. So I have a couple of questions. 1) What do male dwarf rabbits like to eat? What should they eat during the time that they are shedding? 2) Can dwarf rabbits eat radishes, and beets? If they can should they be raw, or boiled? 3) Buggsie is very skittish around me, but not my mom, could I have done something to make him be afraid of me? 4) What are good healthy treats that Buggsie would like to eat? Thank you for answering my questions.

hello helen

there is not any specific food for dwalf rabbits, they can all eat the same food. please do not feed your rabbit lettuce it is very very bad for all rabbits. rabbits shed twice a year and really dont need a different diet. im not sure about radishes and beets its best to ask your vet. all you can really do is try giving your bunny loads of love, instead of try picking him up just sit the stroking him while giving him some treats, take baby steps.
there is many healthy treats for bunnie such as apple bites, vitamin drops and fruits pieces, have a look in your local pet shop.

hope this helps
