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Sick mini-rex

22 10:27:00

Hey, I have a mini-rex that is seems quite sick. I first noticed this two days ago. She's constantly making grunting sounds, no matter what she is doing. Her eyes and her nose are runny, but there haven't been any noticeable changes in her behavior. She eats fine, drinks fine, hops, runs, everything. I looked it up and it sounds like snuffles, but there is no information on the grunting that I have found so far. And if this is snuffles, what can it do to her if left untreated? Is it fatal or will she get better?

Snuffles in rabbits can be fatal if not treated properly with antibiotics. I am not stating that it is a hard and true fact, but that there is the possibility of the rabbit passing when it has snuffles.

The grunting is probably due to her being uncomfortable, and possibly in pain.

Snuffles is usually pretty serious and she probably needs to see a vet.

Good luck