Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > pulling her fur out

pulling her fur out

22 11:20:32

Hi again,

I just thought of this.  why didn't she make the nest, if that is what it is, in her cage?  she knows she is safe in her cage & thta is where her food & her bunny pan are.  & thta is the only reason for pulling so much of her fur out?

thanks,  Cindy

Followup To

Question -

I moved a box I had blocking my couch (to keep bunny from digging)  and behind it was a big two-fisted (mine) pile of my bunny's fur.  She is not spade, about 2 years old.  there are 5 cats & one other not spade female rabbit in the house.  cats are all fixed.  rabbits are kept apart.  don't really get along.  what di you think she was doing?  First time she ever did this.
thanks,  Cindy

Answer -
If you are positive that both rabbits are female, then it could just be a false pregnancy.  Some rabbits will do that, get the nest all ready even though they don't need it.

Some do it due to stress, because something has changed, or just because they feel they have to.

If neither rabbit is spayed, and both are female, and neither has been around an unneutered male rabbit, then there isn't anything to worry about.


Rabbits like to make their nests in a hidden place.  They do this because in the wild they hide the babies so predators don't find them.  They like to dig under trees, under porches, under sheds, any place that is difficult to get to.

She would only pull fur to make a nest, I can't think of any other reason she would do it.
